Even when your college or university days end, your Circle K International journey doesn’t have to. Stay informed about what’s happening in the organization and serve as a resource for today’s members as they seek to build their careers.  
CKI President Tyler Kearns shares this message on the importance of staying connected.

Finals are starting, which means another academic year is starting to come to a close. With this, another class of CKI students will graduate and move on to what is next in their academic and professional journeys. To the students who are graduating this semester, I want to say a big thank you. Thank you for everything that you have done for our organization. Whether you have just joined CKI this year or have been a member throughout your entire collegiate experience, you have made an impact on CKI in ways you probably don’t see daily. You have served as a mentor and idol for the members that are younger than you, you served as leaders within your clubs, you helped serve your community and campus, and you helped raise money for causes to benefit those around us. You made a positive impact in some way, shape or form while being a CKI member, and I am truly thankful for that.

For our members who are continuing their education, I invite you to stay in CKI. CKI isn’t just for undergrads, and with your previous experiences, you can continue to serve those around you and lead within your new community. The next round of schooling offers you another chance to keep making that impact, and I hope you take it on.

To our members entering the professional world, I hope you stay connected with CKI, take what you learned here and share it with those around you. The skills you learned being a CKI member will carry you far in whatever you want to do. I encourage you to also continue your Kiwanis family journey by joining Kiwanis and being the change you want to see within our organization and our communities.

Our organization will miss you all for everything you have done, but we can’t wait to see what is in store for you. Thank you again and good luck on this next part of your journey. We’re rooting for you!