
Kyle Lank 


New Jersey 

Year in School / Grade 



Rutgers University – New Brunswick 




Real Estate 

In 3-5 sentences, tell us about yourself. 

My name is Kyle Lank. I’m a sophomore finance major at Rutgers University, and I am the New Jersey District governor! During the 2019-2020 service year, I served as the District Technology Committee chair where I improved functionality and promoted our mission on the district website. Some of my hobbies include hiking, going to concerts and playing sports with my friends.  

What are you most looking forward to about your year as governor? 

I am most excited about forming relationships with clubs and members across the district. One of the best parts of CKI is meeting people you otherwise wouldn’t have. Forming relationships with members will allow New Jersey to enhance our CKI member experience. Personally, there is so much that I can learn from our members. 

Favorite CKI memory 

My favorite CKI memory is CKIx 2019. This was my first CKI large scale event, and I was hooked. I met so many great members, grew closer with my district and learned so much about the organization. This was the perfect start to my CKI experience! 

Favorite service project 

My favorite service project is Love Letters for Literacy. In this project, members make colorful cards to be sent to pre-readers in low-income communities to promote literacy. This is my favorite project because it helps improve literacy in our local communities, but it’s also just a chill thing to do with your club. Grab some crayons and index cards, turn on some fun music and you have a great service project!