Name: Annie Lougheed.
Preferred pronouns: she/her.
District: Minnesota-Dakotas.
Year in School: Freshman.
University: University of Minnesota – Twin Cities.
Major(s): Global Studies.
Minor(s): Public Heath and Family and Community Engagement.
Tell us about yourself in three to five sentences. I am a student at the University of Minnesota studying Global Studies with hope of a career in public health or community outreach. Service has been a big passion of mine since middle school, as well as coffee, cooking and traveling. I love talking to people and advocating for causes like the environmental and social justice. Humor is a fundamental part of my life, I think life is dull without a laugh.
Why did you join CKI? I was very involved in Key Club and decided to join CKI. My classes and work as a nanny basically absorbed my life after a few meetings of CKI so I drifted away. I loved service and being a part of the K-Fam so it was a bit of a no-brainer.
Why did you run for governor? I wasn’t an active CKI member this spring and wasn’t intending to return until fall. That was until my old KCI treasurer reached out to me about board vacancies and I agreed to run as BE. And then Hannah Spargur was like, “girl do gov” and here I am.
What is your favorite CKI memory? I don’t have many yet, as I’ve just begun but when I went to my first CKI meeting, Hannah was there. I hadn’t seen or spoken to her since the start of the pandemic. I didn’t think she’d remember, but she came right up to me, gave me a hug and thanked me for coming. It meant a lot, K-Fam connections can become so strong in just a short period of time.
What do you see yourself doing in 10 years? Working in a public health department, volunteering through Kiwanis and helping my community however I can. I don’t know if I’ll still be in Minnesota, but I hope to be happy and successful.
What is your favorite movie or TV show? I really enjoy the Big Bang Theory, Friends and New Girl when it comes to TV shows. Wall-E is probably my favorite movie because the social commentary is insane.
What is your favorite book? Out of Mind. A simple book I read when I was younger, but I still think about it from time to time. It teaches a lot about the power of language. The narrator has a photographic memory, but cannot speak. I also love poetry from Rupi Kaur and Courtney Peppernell.
What is the best advice you have received? You need to love yourself before you can love anyone else. You need to care for yourself before anyone else.
What is something people might not know about you? I struggle with my mental health from time to time. I’ve gotten better at noticing when I’m going through a tough time and talking through it, but I still have a rough time expressing how I really feel without downplaying for the feelings of others