Name: Rachel (Rui Zhe) Yang
District: Western Canada
Year in School / Grade: 4
University: University of Alberta
Major(s): Molecular, cellular and developmental biology
In 3-5 sentences, tell us about yourself.
Since my first year at the University of Alberta, I have served Circle K International as a member and a club officer. I joined CKI because I love serving the community, and this organization allows me to help in so many ways. Because of the many service projects we get to do, I learned a lot about the needs of the community and the wonderful things non-profit organizations are doing. Knowing the positive impacts that our service has on people is what keeps me going.
What are you most looking forward to about your year as governor?
I am looking forward to visiting the clubs in my district and helping them grow. I hope to do a service project or attend an event in all the divisions next year, and I am super excited to get to know the club officers, as well as the volunteers, that we have.
Favorite CKI memory
My favorite CKI memory was attending Fall Training Conference this year. The event consisted of presentations from the district board, service projects, workshops, games and a fun scavenger hunt. It was great to meet new people from our district and see officers that we hadn’t seen in a long time. We got to meet our Circle K International trustee, which was super cool too. From that training, I made new friends, fun memories and new ideas on how to build better service projects for my club.
Favorite service project
My favorite service project is cooking at the Ronald McDonald House. Ronald McDonald House Charities provide short-term housing solutions for families with kids who have serious illnesses or injuries. They have a Home for Dinner program, where groups like CKI can purchase groceries and make a home-cooked meal for the families to relieve their stress and financial strain. This is my favorite project because cooking together is a great opportunity to build fellowship, and planning the meals gives our members opportunities to lead. Also, we get to see the families enjoying our food, and we can see that we have impacted their lives positively.