Don’t miss out – register now for the 2025 CKI Convention!

Start a club. Make an impact.

If you want to change the world, starting a Circle K International club on your campus is a great way to begin. Through our global network, we can help you take your passion for serving others to the next level. Want to make a difference? Follow these steps:

Steps to start a CKI club

Step 1 - Decide if a sponsor is available

A Circle K club is sponsored by Kiwanis club in your community. Use the Kiwanis club locator ( to find a club near you to contact, or you can reach out to us for help.

Step 2 - Find an advisor

You’ll need to find at least one faculty or staff member to be your club’s advisor. You might consider someone who has an interest in service or leadership development or someone who was a CKI member.

Step 3 - Recruit members

Find students at your school who share your passion for service and ask them to help you build the club. To be chartered, a club must have 15 members. Anyone who is a member at the start of the club is considered a ‘charter member,’ and the first officers are charter officers.

Step 4 - Set aside money

Paying membership dues is an important part of being in CKI. All clubs pay per-member international dues for everyone on their roster, plus per-member district dues, if applicable.

Step 5 - Complete the chartering form or reactivation process

After the above steps are completed, you can submit your chartering document to Circle K International.

Step 6 - Hold a chartering ceremony and celebrate!

When you receive your chartering kit, plan an installation ceremony. Invite potential new members, family members, school officials and members of your sponsoring Kiwanis club to join the celebration!