Here are some ideas for getting people’s attention and participation on each day.
by Matthew Yuro, CKI 2024-25 Trustee

CKI Week is approaching fast! From October 14-19, join Circle K International as we celebrate our service, leadership and fellowship. Each day is organized around one of CKI’s tenets. Below are some ideas for celebrating CKI Week with fellow club members — and getting other people to join you. 

Monday, October 14: #CHOOSECKI 

  • Table in your student center or around campus, encouraging other students to learn more about CKI. At the table, you can complete a small service project or create a poster board and have members answer the question, “Why did you join CKI?” or “Why do you do community service?” And try to draw people with giveaway items such as candy, pins, pens and others. 
  • Use your home club’s social media account to feature “A Day in the Life of a CKI member.” 
  • Create a social media post about why you joined CKI and how you got involved. Include pictures from past events, club meetings and inductions.  

Tuesday, October 15: CKI AROUND THE WORLD 

  • Host an interclub meeting with a club from another district and complete an online service project or fellowship event. 
  • Attend a district event where you can meet CKI members from around the world. 
  • Create a social media post that shows you traveling somewhere in the world wearing CKI merch. 

Wednesday, October 16: LEAD WITH LOVE 

  • Host a service project on your campus using the four CKI service initiatives: childhood development, environmental justice, food insecurity and homelessness, and mental health. Service project ideas include rock-painting, card-writing, letters for literacy and more.  
  • Host a fellowship activity on your campus, such as making friendship bracelets or watching a movie. 
  • Create a card/poster board for your club advisor and/or sponsoring Kiwanis club thanking them for their support for your CKI club. Have all the club members sign it.  

Thursday, October 17: FIND YOUR FAMILY 

  • Host a Kiwanis family event on campus — inviting other Service Leadership Program clubs and/or your sponsoring Kiwanis club. Ideas include a trivia game or BINGO. You can also host a service project and invite your sponsoring Kiwanis club to participate. 
  • Host a fellowship activity for your club. Ideas include bowling, going to the movies, apple- or pumpkin-picking, a pizza party, etc. 
  • Create a social media page showcasing your CKI family and explaining why they’re so important to you. Make sure to include lots of photos! 

Friday, October 18: RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS 

  • Host a Brick x Brick fundraiser on campus. Ideas include “pie in the face,” a paint night, decorating gingerbread haunted houses, etc. 
  • Host a service project for the campus community. Ideas include writing on sticky notes to hang around different campus buildings or creating candy bags to give out to your peers.  
  • Host an interclub meeting with a neighboring CKI club and complete a joint service project.  

Saturday, October 19: DO SOMETHING DAY 

  • Host a large-scale service project, such as a road clean-up, meal packing, school supply drive, book drive, food drive, etc. 
  • Partner with your sponsoring Kiwanis club to complete a joint service project. For example, volunteer at an animal shelter, a homeless shelter or a nursing home. 
  • Post your story on your personal social media account, highlighting some of the things you’re doing on Do Something Day.  

All CKI members are encouraged to participate in CKI Week. Remember to start planning events early — and use social media to celebrate the festivities.  

Make sure to tag @circlekintl and use the hashtag #ChooseCKI on your posts. We cannot wait to celebrate CKI Week with you all!