There are several BIG weeks of action and service coming up. In February and March, your club can partner with other Service Leadership Programs (SLPs) to begin or continue a lifelong journey of service.  The Alumni and Kiwanis Family Relations Committee shares how each specific week emphasizes taking action to promote clubs within homes, schools and communities — and puts fun into learning and growing. 

February 13-17 is K-Kids Week. K-Kids is the largest service organization for elementary school students, with more than 36,000 members worldwide. How can you support K-Kids’ efforts? Some examples of collaborations between K-Kids and CKI include fundraising for Brick x Brick, co-sponsoring a K-Kids club with your local Kiwanis club, co-hosting a trash clean-up at a local park, reading to students, participating in random acts of kindness and much more. Don’t just participate during this specific week, establish a long-lasting partnership. Learn more about K-Kids Week: 

March 6-10 is Aktion Club Week. With more than 12,000 members, Aktion Club is the only service club for adults with disabilities. Aktion Club empowers members to be themselves, work together with friends and implement plans through action. How can you make a difference? Here are some ideas: Assemble kits with comfort items to be donated to children in foster care, co-host a dance fundraiser, volunteer at a food pantry, create crafts to donate to local hospitals and much more. Learn more about Aktion Club Week at 

March 20-24 is Builders Club Week. Builders Club is the largest service organization for middle school students (ages 12 to 14) and is student-led. During Builders Club Week, a day has been designated to help write thank-you notes to all the individuals who make Builders Club possible within your area. Other examples of collaborations between Builders Club and CKI include hosting a food drive, organizing a bake sale that benefits UNICEF, holding a kickball tournament and much more. For more information about Builders Club Week, how you can get involved and the youth protection guidelines, go to 

Keep in mind, there are opportunities to partner with your fellow SLPs for service projects year-round as well.