The Kiwanis International Board of Trustees recently approved the eight amendments that were recently made to Circle K International’s bylaws. The amendments had previously been passed by a vote during the 2022 Circle K International House of Delegates. (CKI policy requires that all amendments passed by the CKI House of Delegates must then be presented to the Kiwanis board for final approval.) Below is a summary of the amendments, which will take effect immediately.
Amendment 1:
To move the executive committee article into the “committee” article and to better reflect CKIs current committee practices. The international president and vice president may appoint committees that serve concurrently with the term of the international president.
Amendment 2:
Clarification that matches current practices of district officers and allows for districts to have voting committee chair members.
Amendment 3:
Removes the redundant statement: The district governors shall be elected at their respective district conventions in the manner prescribed in the district bylaws. A similar statement is in Article 10, Section 8.
Amendment 4:
Changed quorum of the Circle K International convention from 150 to 100 to better reflect convention attendance figures.
Amendment 5:
Added clarity to the number of International Council Meetings that can be held to amend the bylaws when a convention is canceled. In a year when there is no international convention held, bylaws may be amended at one council meeting during the year.
Amendment 6:
The amendment allows for greater flexibility as new technologies are introduced.
Amendment 7:
Adding a new Article. The article was moved from the international policy code and added to the Bylaws. The regions outlined in the new Article 11 will only change if Kiwanis International regions change.
Amendment 8:
Established a basic formal process for provisional districts. Any district that does not maintain the minimum number of clubs for district status for five (5) consecutive administrative years shall automatically be designated as a provisional district. If a provisional district later meets the minimum requirements to be a district, it may be reconsidered by the CKI Board of Trustees
A copy of the most recent CKI bylaws can be found on Please note that the above amendments are being added and may not be reflected immediately in the published or posted bylaws.